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Symbian hack advance tools and trick we are now updtaing

What is hack? Hacking mean that getting full access to the phone's system files, with that capability, we can install a root certificate, we can install anything we want to mod the phone, include the Manufacturer capabilities requested apps. Completely fix annoying certificate error! First, lets try to install unsigned Symbian application, download Then if you see this Message'Certificate Error. Contact the Application Supplier'It means your phone is not yet hack. Follow the step below.





or http://uppit.com/kjv0xbo21n2d/LCG_X-plore_v1.60(0)_S60v3_S60v5_S%5E3_Anna_Belle.sisx

(Click the file to download) Procedure: I.Set the date toSeptember 12, 2009 II.Install Xplore1.51_By_AsHLaMie.sis

III.AOpen X-plore1.5 then locate the the downloaded tmquarantine.Zipthen extract to DirectoryC:\

III.BThen you see this pathC:\tmquarantine

IV.Set again your date to current date or September 6, 2012

VI. Open Mobile Security, Quarantine List then you'll see the following list

VII.Mark all then Restore. Ignore the message just click yes Then Remove Mobile Security(optional)

VIII.Install RomPatcherPlus_3.1_Liteto phone memory

IX.Open RomPatcherPlus, Apply All Patches toInstallServer RP andOpen4all RP , then Add to Auto

X. Done! Enjoy Installing Unsigned Apps Lets try again if really works. Install Again coderssoft-led-torch-s60v3-s60v5-sis.sis

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